22 Jan 2020 | AREA Ruhr Lecture series | Karen Shire

An Economic Sociological Perspective on the Regulation of Transnational Labor in the Asia Pacific
Prof. Karen Shire (IN-EAST)

The talk builds on a critique of economic sociology as methodologically nationalistic, and of the new sociology of markets as too general for an analysis of labour markets, to build an economic sociological theory of migration markets. Drawing on the author’s own research on cross-border labour markets emerging through the regionalization of Japanese production organizations, and a re-analysis of anthropological research on migration infrastructures in the Asia Pacific, the role of intermediaries in making and ordering migration markets is highlighted. The talk ends by introducing a research agenda for studying labour mobility in transnational comparison.

Campus Ruhr University | building UNI 134 | room 2.06

Wednesday | 22 January 2020 | 4.15–5.45 PM