Open MA Courses

Open MA courses taught in English  

In the context of UA Ruhr (University Alliance Ruhr), students from the Faculty of East Asian Studies at Bochum University (OAW/RUB) have the opportunity to take classes at the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen (IN-EAST/UDE) and vice versa without paying additional fees.

Potentially, this gives MA students of East Asian Studies a larger range of thematic courses to choose from. If classes at the East Asian Studies center of the partner university fit the degree course scheme and ECTS requirements of their home institution, students may also apply for the official recognition of their course results achieved at the other location of East Asian Studies. Course results/examination grades are then passed on to the university where the students are originally enrolled.

This requires some planning in advance as course instructors, study coordinators, examination offices etc. at the different institutions have to be involved. To support you in this process at this early stage and approach the right persons in charge, the AREA Ruhr office team asks you to please contact them at if you are interested in taking a particular class or module at the East Asian Studies center of your UA Ruhr partner university!

Below you can find the list MA courses offered in English at the East Asian Studies Department (OAW/RUB) and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IN-EAST/UDE) in the summer term 2024. These courses are potentially open, but the actual availability has to be checked in every single case. Naturally, students have priority access to the courses taught at their home institution.

The overview below lists single courses (mostly seminars) at OAW/RUB as well as modules (often consisting of two courses) at the IN-EAST/UDE. By clicking on the title, you can find more information on each course or module.

TitleCourse TypeLecturerCPLocation
The Japanese Welfare StateseminarScherer4,5OAW/RUB
Politics of Finance and Financial Innovation in JapanseminarDoege4,5OAW/RUB
Politics of Regulation and Innovation in ChinaseminarGottwald4,5OAW/RUB
The Role of East Asia in Regionalism and Inter-RegionalismseminarBersick4,5OAW/RUB
Current issues of China’s Politics and Economy from Chinese media perspectiveseminar  Li, Paulo4,5OAW/RUB
The impact of Silla Hwaôm Commentaries on Tang Buddhismseminar/ excercisePlassen 4/3OAW/RUB
Notions of Karma in East Asian BuddhismseminarPlassen3/5OAW/RUB
Economic Developments in East Asia  moduleYoon6IN-EAST/UDE
The Economy of China
China Management Cases, seminar
Economic Studies on China, lecture
moduleTaube, Fonsato, Zeng6IN-EAST/UDE
International Economic and Business Issues of Japan
Japan’s Role in Regional and Global Economic Relations, lecture
Business Issues in Japan’s Economy, seminar
module  Blind, Schulz6IN-EAST/UDE
The Chinese SocietymoduleArnostova6IN-EAST/UDE
Institutions and Organizations in Japan
Institutions and Organizations in Japan, seminar
Research on Japanese Social Institutional Change, seminar
State and Society in China (module)
Political Culture and State-Society Interactions, seminar
Project Study: Core Issues of Chinese Politics, project study
Japanese Politics / The Political System in JapanmoduleKlein6IN-EAST/UDE
Korean Society and Politics
Korean Society and Politics: Forms and Practices of Democracy in South Korea, seminar
Topical issues of Politics and Society in Korea, project study
Contemporary Issues of Korea: North Korean Politics and SocietymoduleChang6IN-EAST/UDE