AREA Workshop
“System Competition in East Asia”
Friday, 19 July 2019
Location: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Mensa, Bistroebene, Room II
The workshop “System Competition in East Asia” will deal with competing political and institutional constellations, mainly from the 19th to the 21st century. Our group conceives of system competition as a process that takes place between groups and is not limited to the field of political economy, but that pertains also to cultural phenomena. Accordingly, one focus will be set on issues of linguistic encoding of competitive relationships, and the resulting conflicts.
In the context of the overarching framework that addresses “East Asian Challenges”, systems will first be juxtaposed. Thereafter, the arenas and the core content of competition will be analyzed. The levels of consideration are regional and interregional within East Asia, but will also be broadened so as to include Eurasia. The specific examples relate to political and economic systems, beginning with the epoch of European, later Japanese, Russian and US challenges to East Asia, which also manifested themselves in military conflicts, hard ideological fronts and trade wars.
In the cultural sphere, the contributions will address language policy norms, but also the linguistic interaction of conventions within different regions, in relation to gender and to specific social and ethnic groups.
One possible key question is as to whether the system conflicts under observation lead to integration and linguistic or political leveling or to the perpetuation of the conflicts? Another perspective of the joint research initiative will concern innovation. Do new settings and epistemes arise from system competition?
Click here to see the program. All students and researchers are welcome to participate.
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