15 May 2019 | Guest lecture by Prof. Hongtao Li

You are invited to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Hongtao Li

Professor of Media Studies, Zhejiang University Hangzhou and Associate Professor II, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo

“Revisiting the Green Public Sphere: Chinese Media Discourse on Air Pollution”

This talk will take a historical and comparative perspective to provide an overall picture of the Chinese media discourse on air pollution. Drawing upon the conceptual framework of green public sphere, I shall explore how the state, mainstream and alternative media, and the civil society interact to shape the public visibility of air pollution problems. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the social invention of PM 2.5, the controversy on the documentary Under the Dome, media coverage of the PITI index, and the satirical discourse on social media.

Date: Wednesday, 15 May 2019, 6–8 PM

Location: RUB,  Faculty of East Asian Studies, Universitätsstraße 134, Room 2.06
