#window2asia – Archive

Motifs (left to right) Skyline, Shanghai; Namdaemun, South Korea; Fuji-san, Japan. © Jan Wiemann, AREA Ruhr

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Archive of past events


6 Jul 2024 | Köln | Other

12th Asia Day

Authoritarian developments have been intensifying in many Asian countries for years. At the 12th Asia Day, several lectures and discussion roundtables will look together at what spaces exist for civil societies in Asia, what rights need to be protected worldwide and how civil international cooperation can achieve this. The event also features the exhibition “Extracting Us – Feminism, Coal and Just Transition” on the premises, showing Indonesian images of everyday life around abandoned coal mines. A registration via the link below is required.

Further info: https://www.asienhaus.de/termin/termin-12-asientag

6 Jul 2024 | Bonn | China

Chamber music concert »Zwischen Bonn und Shanghai«

In the concert program with two world premieres, Yin CHIANG (piano) and Mei Mei WEI (violin) combine the different playing styles of contemporary Chinese music with classical works by Johannes Brahms and Dmitri Shostakovich, thus demonstrating the possibilities of a productive exchange between different musical cultures and traditions.

Further info: https://konfuzius-bonn.de/termine/kammerkonzert-zwischen-bonn-und-shanghai/

5 Jul 2024 | Köln | Japan

Rakugo Workshop

In rakugo, a storyteller uses gestures and facial expressions to tell a story that usually ends with a funny punch line. The storyteller takes on several roles in the story and embodies the different characters by changing their voice, posture and skillful use of props. In this workshop, the up-and-coming rakugoka Shunputei Shoyo, who was a finalist for the NHK Award for Best Rakugo Newcomer in November 2023, will give an introduction into his craft. The workshop will be conducted in Japanese and is aimed at children, but Japanese learners are also very welcome.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/rakugo-workshop/

22 Jun 2024 | Neuss | Japan

Open Guest Studio: Unno Jiro

Following the invitation by Katsuhito Nishikawa, the artist Unno Jiro (* 1952) stays at the guest studio at Raketenstation Hombroich in June 2024. Unno uses the traditional Suiboku-ga technique (ink painting) as an expression of his artistic self and to question the individual human condition. His approach to the historically more spiritual technique is rather conceptual. In this way, he attempts to transfer the genre into contemporary art. On Saturday, 22 June, Jiro Unno will open his guest studio to visitors.

Further info: https://www.inselhombroich.de/de/veranstaltungen/offenes-gastatelier-jiro-unno

19 Jun 2024 – 20 Jun 2024 | Bonn | Korea

4th Bonn Freedom Forum

In cooperation with the city of Bonn, the Embassy of the Republic of Korea is inviting interested guests to the 4th Bonn Freedom Forum. First established in 2015, the Bonn Freedom Forum seeks to spark discussion on the importance of freedom. In this year, the event consists of a lecture on human rights in North Korea by Dr. Sue Mi Terry on Wednesday, and a screening of the award-winning documentary “Beyond Utopia” about a North Korean family’s defection to South Korea, which will take place on Thursday.

Further info: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/de-bonn-de/brd/m_7727/…

17 Jun 2024 – 28 Jun 2024 | Bochum | Japan

Exhibition »Jizō: Kunst, Kult und Kommerz in Japan«

The Landesspracheninstitut of the Ruhr University Bochum (LSI), under the patronage of the Japanese Consulate General in Düsseldorf, is showing the exhibition »Jizō: Kunst, Kult und Kommerz in Japan« (Jizō: Art, Cult and Commerce in Japan) in cooperation with Japanologist Clemens Schlüter and his wife Ryōko, with modules and selected exhibits from the private collection JIZO-WORLD, which sheds light on the multifaceted presence of Jizō in Japan. The exhibition is supported by the Japanese Cultural Institute Cologne (The Japan Foundation).

Further info: https://www.lsi-bochum.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/jizo

15 Jun 2024 | Duisburg | China

Workshop »Das Drachenbootfest« for children

At the Drachenbootfest (dragon boat festival), there are not only dragon boat races, but also lots of zongzi, small balls of sticky rice with different fillings. Together we want to learn about the traditions of the festival and craft a long paper dragon. This workshop is part of an ongoing series the Confucius Institute team offers for children aged 6-12 once a month.

Further info: https://konfuzius-institut-ruhr.de/veranstaltung/drachenboot_2024/

12 Jun 2024 | Köln | Japan

Concert »ZEN«

Zen and Japanese culture are inextricably linked. Nagauta music originates primarily from Kabuki theater and has a long tradition as traditional entertainment music. Yin and yang, sun and shadow, stillness and movement. Both come together on the stage of the Japanese Cultural Institute in a concert of nagauta music and shakuhachi bamboo flute.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/zen/

9 Jun 2024 | Bonn | Korea & China

»Diversity!« Festival of Culture and Encounters

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, in cooperation with the Korean School Bonn, will participate in the »Diversity!« Festival of Cultur and Encounters in the city of Bonn. The festival’s stage programme will include both a taekwondo demonstration and a K-pop cover dance performance. At the Korean booth, there will be activities such as writing names on fans in Korean script, trying on traditional Korean children’s hanboks and playing tuho. The Konfuzius-Institut Bonn will be present at the festival as well and host a Chinese booth, where a China quiz, calligraphy and face painting for children by a Chinese artist will be the main activities.

Further info: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/de-bonn-de/brd/m_7727/… and https://konfuzius-bonn.de/termine/12-06-2022china-auf-dem-bonner-kultur-und-begegnungsfest-vielfalt/

9 Jun 2024 | Köln | Japan

Kindertag / Tag der offenen Tür

TKW celebrates its 18th anniversary with you with an open day together with the German-Japanese Society Cologne! Experience a variety of Japanese dishes and the TKW course program, which you can take part in free of charge: Origami, kimono try-on, koto, shamisen, gagaku and much more – food stalls and a Japanese flea market also await your visit in the courtyard! Whether with children, family, friends or on your own – come along!

Further info: http://www.tenri-kw.de/kindertag-tag-der-offenen-tuer/

8 Jun 2024 – 15 Jun 2024 | Köln | Japan

Japanese Film Festival Online 2024

The Japan Foundation is once again presenting a colorful mix of Japanese films this year. The festival will focus on productions made between 2020 and 2023, providing an insight into the diversity of the Japanese film landscape. The spectrum ranges from dramas, documentaries, horror films and historical dramas (Jidaigeki) to anime and classics. On 8, 10, 13 and 15 June, three films from the program of the online festival will be shown in the event hall of the Japanese Cultural Institute Cologne.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/japanese-film-…/

6 Jun 2024 | Bonn | China

Pipa concert at the Kunstraum Villa Friede

The pipa, a 4-stringed plucked instrument, has been played in China for around 2000 years. Pipa music experienced its heyday during the Tang period (618–907), when the instrument enjoyed great popularity in court music. Performer Tang Hua was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, PR China, and studied at the local conservatory. Since 1991 she has made an international career, especially in Japan, with successful concert tours in the USA and Germany.

Further info: https://konfuzius-bonn.de/termine/06-06-2024pipa-…/

1 Jun 2024 | Düsseldorf | Japan

Japan-Tag Düsseldorf/NRW 2024

On June 1, Düsseldorf will once more be transformed into the site of one of Europe’s largest Japanese culture and encounter festivals and will again delight visitors with a spectacular Japanese fireworks display on the Rhine. Düsseldorfers and all guests can expect a day full of Japanese art, culture and culinary delights.

Further info: https://www.japantag-duesseldorf-nrw.de/ 

11 May 2024 | Düsseldorf | China

Ink Painting Workshop with Xinjie Zhang

Do you love the beauty of traditional Chinese ink painting? Would you like to improve your skills in this fascinating craft or simply try something new? Then join the ink painting workshop! Instructor Xinjie Zhang will guide you through the basics of ink painting and help you create your own masterpieces. Whether you are a beginner or already have experience, this workshop is open to everyone.

Further info: https://www.konfuzius-duesseldorf.de/kultur/kulturworkshops/tuschemalerei

24 May 2024 – 4 Jul 2024 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Blumen für Frieda«

Contemporary plant compositions by Ikebana master Ursula Winand draw on various schools and traditions of Japanese floral art. The Ikebana exhibition, which opens on the 150th birthday of Frieda Fischer-Wieruszowski (1874–1945), is a tribute to the venerable museum founder, who was also practiced in the art of flower arranging, as documented in her “Japanese Diary” published in 1938.

Further info: https://museum-fuer-ostasiatische-kunst.de/Blumen-fuer-Frieda

6 May 2024 | Bonn | China

Lecture »Vom mongolischen Khan zum buddhistischen König«

In his lecture “From Mongol Khan to Buddhist King: The Role of the Tibetan Lamas in the Integration of the Mongol Rulers into the Buddhist World”, Daniel Wojahn (University of Bonn) will examine the relationship between the Mongol Empire and Tibetan Buddhism, focusing in particular on the role of the Tibetan monk Phakpa Lodrö Gyeltsen (1235–1280) in the establishment of Mongol rule.

Further info: https://konfuzius-bonn.de/termine/6-05-2024vortrag-…

2 May 2024 – 3 Jun 2024 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Funktionalität und Schönheit«

Japanese handicrafts are unique and are valued internationally for their functionality, perfection and beauty. Its manufacturing methods are characterized by high precision and craftsmanship, which have often been developed over centuries and passed on to subsequent generations. The exhibition “Japanese Happiness” is accompanied by 20 documentaries made between 1971 and 2019 that provide an insight into various areas of Japanese arts and crafts.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/funktionalitaet-und-schoenheit/

12 Apr 2024 – 11 May 2024 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Japan as a Cultural Triangle«

This exhibition with works by photographer Namikawa Banri brings ancient Japan back to life and traces how the culture of the Asian mainland came to Japan. Geographically, it focuses on the Izumo region (today’s Shimane Prefecture), the Setouchi Inland Sea with today’s Kagawa Prefecture, the area around the old capitals of Nara and Kyôto (Kinai) and the Tōhoku region in north-eastern Japan.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/japan-as-a-cultural-triangle-2/

11 Apr 2024 – 27 Apr 2024 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Eine Reise in die Vergangenheit«

Following the JKI film program’s focus on new productions in recent months, the institute is now showing films made between 1983 and 2005 that are set in the first half of the 20th century. They are based on the novels of the famous writers Mishima Yukio, Natsume Sōseki, Sumii Sue and Tanizaki Jun’ichirō and are shown in analog film formats.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/eine-reise-in-die-vergangenheit/

11 Mar 2024 – 30 Mar 2024 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Das Leben nach der Katastrophe«

On 11 March 2011, an earthquake and the subsequent tsunami destroyed large parts of the coastal regions of Tōhoku. For filmmaker Komori Haruka, the disaster prompted her to relocate to the town of Rikuzentakata, which was almost completely destroyed by the tsunami, and to capture the effects of the disaster and the stories of the local population. To mark the 13th anniversary of the disaster, the film series is showing three documentaries by the director, all of which were made in Rikuzentakata.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/das-leben-nach-der-katastrophe/

2 Mar 2024 – 9 Mar 2024 | Köln | Japan

JFF: Japanese Film Festival

In recent years, the Japan Foundation Tokyo has launched several film festivals, which have been offered both as streaming programs and in the form of in-person screenings. Due to their great success, there will be a new edition this year: the JFF – Japanese Film Festival Special World Tour 2024 will present a selection of seven new Japanese films made in the past three years on screens in Germany, Mexico, Peru and Spain.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/jff-neue-japanische-filme/

23 Feb 2024 – 6 Apr 2024 | Köln | China

Exhibition »Qiu Shihua: Neiguan«

Following the success of the previous exhibitions dedicated to the Chinese painter Qiu Shihua, Galerie Karsten Greve is presenting a new solo exhibition of nineteen paintings and works on paper by the artist from 1995 to the present day.

Further info: https://galerie-karsten-greve.com/ausstellungen/detail/11955-neiguan

29 Jan 2024 | Düsseldorf | Korea

Movie screening and lecture »Beyond Utopia«

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Branch Office, invites you to a screening of “Beyond Utopia”. The American documentary from the year 2023 tells the story of a North Korean refugee family on their escape to China and their entry into South Korea. The screening will be followed by a talk by Soyeon Lee, a defector from North Korea who also appears in the film.

Further info: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/de-bonn-de/brd/m_7727/view.do?seq=761767

12 Jan 2024 – 30 Mar 2024 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »border/less«

border/less takes place as part of the 60th anniversary of the partnership between Cologne and Kyoto and shows seven positions by contemporary artists who are closely connected to Cologne and/or Kyoto. It was curated by the Cologne-based Japanese art historian Nana Tazuke-Steiniger.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/border-less/

10 Jan 2024 – 28 Jan 2024 | Düsseldorf | Japan

EYES ON JAPAN: 17th Japanese Film Festival Düsseldorf

The 17th Japanese Film Festival will take place in Düsseldorf from 10 to 28 January 2024. This time, EYES ON JAPAN events will take place at the Black Box cinema in the Filmmuseum Düsseldorf, the Stadtmuseum and the Haus der Universität. In the 17th edition of the Japanese Film Festival, the focus is on the theme of “Family”. A cross-section of current Japanese society will be reflected.

Further info: https://www.dus.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/eyesonjapan.html

8 Jan 2024 – 27 Feb 2024 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Gemeinsam geht es besser«

In this day and age, there are many forms of loneliness and being alone. Some people deliberately withdraw from life in the community, while others are suddenly alone due to external circumstances such as separation or bereavement and have to reorient themselves. This series of eight films, made between 2019 and 2022, approaches the topic from different perspectives that are not only thought-provoking but also entertaining.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/gemeinsam-geht-es-besser/


1 Dec 2023 | Bonn | Korea

Concert »60 Jahre koreanische Diaspora in Deutschland«

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Branch Office, invites you to the anniversary concert on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the recruitment agreement between Korea and Germany. As part of the concert, which will take place on 1 December 2023 at 7 pm in the auditorium of the University of Bonn, the dance group Kim Moon Ae will be a guest under the title “Elegance and Style of Korean Dance Tradition”.

Further info: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/de-bonn-de/brd/m_7727/view.do?seq=761756

30 Nov 2023 – 1 Apr 2024 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Kyotos Netsuke«

Sixty small, elaborately crafted and artistically decorated netsuke made of ivory, horn, wood or bone are on display at the MOK to mark sixty years of twinning between Cologne and Kyoto. The small sculptures from the Kamigata metropolitan region and the Kyoto school symbolize the long-lasting friendship between these two cities.

Further info: https://museum-fuer-ostasiatische-kunst.de/Kyotos-Netsuke

22 Nov 2023 – 22 Dec 2023 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Japanisches Spielzeug«

The traveling exhibition from the Japanese Cultural Institute presents various aspects of Japanese toys in six sections: traditional items made of natural materials and modern merchandise made of plastic, toys that are mainly used by children or adults, girls or boys, as well as toys with regional characteristics or religious backgrounds.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/japanisches-spielzeug/

17 Nov 2023 – 16 Dec 2023 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Ozu Yasujirō (1903–1963)«

Ozu Yasujirō is one of Japan’s most internationally renowned directors. To mark his 120th birthday, which he would have celebrated this year, the production company Shōchiku and the Japan Foundation have digitally restored several works, six of which we are presenting. The series is complemented by TOKYO-GA by master director Wim Wenders.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/ozu-yasujiro-1903-1963/

6 Nov 2023 – 20 Dec 2023 | Bonn | Korea

Photo exhibition »Die Kamera des Geographen Dege«

To mark the 140th anniversary of Korean-German relations, the University of Bonn, together with the Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the German-Korean Society, will be showing photographs by geographer and Bonn alumnus Prof. Dr. Eckart Dege in November and December 2023. The exhibition with pictures taken by Professor Dege over a period of more than 50 years during several stays in South Korea was recently also shown at the University of Seoul.

Further info: https://museum-fuer-ostasiatische-kunst.de/Kyotos-Netsuke

28 Oct 2023 | Bochum | Korea

Korea Day 2023

The program includes hanbok tastings, calligraphy workshops and lectures on Korean language and culture. K-pop fans can emulate their idols at the Noraebang. And a delicious culinary offering awaits all those who are curious about Korean cuisine.

Further info: https://www.lsi-bochum.de/aktuelles/veranstaltungen/korea-day-2023

14 Oct 2023 | Köln | Japan

5th Cologne Kyoto Day

The city partnership between Cologne and Kyoto will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2023 with numerous events in both cities. At the 5th Kyoto Day, the Consulate General of Japan in Düsseldorf, in cooperation with the German-Japanese Society Cologne and the Japanese Cultural Institute, will be offering all visitors lots of information and performances about Japan’s old capital.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/5-koelner-kyoto-tag/

25 Sep 2023 – 4 Nov 2023 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Musik im japanischen Film«

The movie series presents eight works created between 1985 and 2021 that are remarkable examples of the relationship between film and music.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/filmmusik/

25 Sep 2023 – 4 Nov 2023 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Die Gärten Kyotos im Wandel der Jahreszeiten«

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the city partnership between Cologne and Kyoto, we are showing color photographs by Mizuno Katsuhiko (*1941 in Kyoto), which bear impressive witness to the beauty and uniqueness of Kyoto’s gardens through the four seasons.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/die-gaerten-kyotos-im-wandel-der-jahreszeiten-4/

13 Sep 2023 | Bonn | Korea

K-Pop Dance Workshop

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bonn Branch Office, in cooperation with Hop Spot Tanzstudio (www.kpopdance.de) is organizing a K-Pop Dance Workshop in Bonn! In this workshop, the experienced trainers will help participants to gain a fascinating insight into the world of K-Pop or to improve their own dance style.

Further info: https://overseas.mofa.go.kr/de-bonn-de/brd/m_7727/view.do?seq=761745

4 Sep 2023 – 21 Sep 2023 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »JFF+ Independent Cinema 2023«

In cooperation with the Japan Community Cinema Center, the Japan Foundation presents the streaming program JFF+ Independent Cinema 2023, which focuses on so-called “mini-theaters” that form important pillars of Japan’s cinema culture.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/jff-independent-cinema-2023/

1 Sep 2023 – 20 Sep 2023 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Tokio in Flammen«

The exhibition »Tokio in Flammen. Deutsche und japanische Reaktionen auf das Kantō-Erdbeben 1923« (Tokyo in flames. German and Japanese reactions to the 1923 Kantō earthquake) uses contemporary newspaper reports, photographs and accounts to show how the disaster was perceived 100 years ago.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/tokio-in-flammen/

25 Aug 2023 | Köln | Japan

Reading »Sei Shōnagon: Kopfkissenbuch«

Barbara Conrady-Takenaka presents the “Pillow Book” by court lady Sei Shōnagon, which was translated in full into German from Japanese for the first time in 2022 by MANESSE BIBLIOTHEK (ed. Michael Stein).

Further info: http://www.tenri-kw.de/lesung-sei-shonagon-kopfkissenbuch-makura-no-soshi-babara-conrady-takenaka/

26 Jul 2023 | Köln | Japan

»Peter Busmanns Erinnerung an 5 × Japan«

Memories of five trips to Japan by Cologne architect Peter Busmann: On the occasion of his 90th birthday, actor Günther Heitzmann will read from them, accompanied by the Gagaku Ensemble under Yoshiro Shimizu with traditional Japanese music.

Further info: http://www.tenri-kw.de/lesung-mit-gagaku-peter-bussmanns-erinnerung-an-5-x-japan-guenther-heitzmann/

23 Jul 2023 – 6 Aug 2023 | Bochum | Korea

Summer School »Korean in a bubble«

A two-week summer school for students aged 14 to 18, offering intensive language lessons and exciting cultural and sporting activities in a group with a maximum of 15 participants.

Further info:

22 Jul 2023 | Köln | Japan

Natsumatsuri 2023

As every year in July, the Japanese Cultural Institute invites you to its summer festival on a warm summer’s day. The program includes Japanese taster courses, games, a film screening and more.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/natsumatsuri-2023/

10 Jul 2023 – 14 Jul 2023 | Bochum | Korea

Korean Experience Week 2023

The Protestant Community of Wiemelhausen invites all children aged 6 to 12 to take part in the Korean Experience Week. The program includes instructions on how to write Korean, Korean games, mask making, Korean music and dances.

Further info: https://www.koreanische-schule-bochum.de/2023/04/korea-erlebniswoche-2023/

26 Jun 2023 | Bonn | China

Lecture »Bedrohte Sprachen in China«

After an introduction to the factors threatening small languages, Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias Gerner (Shanghai Jiaotong University) will give an overview of the languages affected in China. Cases of bi- and multilingualism in southwest China and diaglossia in southeast China will also be discussed.

Further info: https://konfuzius-bonn.de/termine/26-06-2023vortrag-bedrohte-sprachen-in-china/

23 Jun 2023 | Bonn | China

Workshop »Zongzi zubereiten«

On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, the Confucius Institute Bonn invites you to prepare Zongzi 粽子 (glutinous rice dumplings with various fillings wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves). Alongside the Spring Festival and the Moon Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival is another important folk festival in China.

Further info: https://konfuzius-bonn.de/termine/23-juni-kulturworkshop-zongzi-zubereiten/

23 Jun 2023 | Köln | Japan

Reading »Heike monogatari«

Last year, Reclam Verlag published the first complete German translation of this great epic of Japanese literature. The extensive work will be presented by translator Björn Adelmeier using selected chapters, which will be read for the audience.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/heike-monogatari-die-erzaehlung-von-den-heike/

21 Jun 2023 | Köln | Japan

Japanese Dance with Shamisen

Under the title “Kyoto Dolls” (京人形), Einojō Senju, the second grand master of the Senju school (Iemoto), performs traditional Japanese dance with Honoka Senju. This dance originally goes back to the Japanese Kabuki theater, and the Senju school is known for its dynamism.

Further info: http://www.tenri-kw.de/japanischer-tanz-mit-shamisen-workshop-kyoto-puppen-京人形-senju/

18 Jun 2023 | Köln | Japan

Kindertag / Tag der offenen Tür

TKW is celebrating its 16th anniversary with an open day with the DJG e.V. Cologne. Experience a variety of Japanese dishes and the TKW course program, which you can take part in free of charge: Origami, kimono try-on, koto, shamisen, gagaku and much more!

Futher info: http://www.tenri-kw.de/kindertag-tag-der-offenen-tuer/

16 Jun 2023 – 17 Sep 2023 | Münster | Japan

Exhibition »Neue japanische Lackkunst aus Hokuriku«

The special exhibition shows around 50 selected objects by eight lacquer artists from Hokuriku, a region of the Japanese main island of Honshū facing the Sea of Japan.

Further info: https://www.museum-fuer-lackkunst.de/de/neue-japanische-lackkunst-aus-hokuriku

05.06.2023–31.07.2023 | Köln | Japan

Movie series »Regisseur Kinoshita Keisuke«

Kinoshita Keisuke is one of the most important Japanese directors of the post-war period. The series shows a selection of eleven films made under his direction between 1944 and 1986.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/regisseur-kinoshita-keisuke-1912-1998/ 

31 May 2023 – 26 Nov 2023 | Duisburg | Japan

Exhibition »Katsuhito Nishikawa. Werke«

The exhibition presents sculptures, paintings, drawings and furniture from the 1980s to the present day and thus offers a comprehensive overview of the artist’s multifaceted work. The former student of Erwin Heerich has been working at the Hombroich rocket station since 1994.

Further info: http://www.museum-dkm.de/katsuhito-nishikawa-werke/

13 May 2023 | Düsseldorf | Japan

Japan-Tag Düsseldorf/NRW 2023

Every year, the German-Japanese Encounter Festival attracts people interested in Japan, martial arts enthusiasts and cosplayers alike to the banks of the Rhine with an extensive music and cultural program, information and sales stands, delicious food and the big evening fireworks display.

Further info: https://www.japantag-duesseldorf-nrw.de/

12 May 2023 – 5 Nov 2023 | Köln | Japan

Exhibition »Naoya Hatakeyama. Yokohama Souvenirs«

As part of the Artist-Meets-Archive program of the International Photoscene Cologne, the exhibition presents works by award-winning photographer Naoya Hatakeyama (*1958), which are inspired by sights from Japan’s Meiji era (1868–1912).

Further info: https://museum-fuer-ostasiatische-kunst.de/Naoya-Hatakeyama-YOKOHAMA-SOUVENIRS

11 May 2023 – 13 Aug 2023 | Düsseldorf | Japan

Exhibition »Nach der Schneeschmelze 雪どけの後«

Artist Naomi Akimoto combines traditional Japanese aesthetics with Western conceptual art. The exhibition shows new works made of clay, works on paper in various techniques and a stop-motion film by the artist.

Further info: https://www.duesseldorf.de/hetjens/ausstellungen

4 May 2023 – 5 Nov 2023 | Köln | China

Exhibition »Silber für Tsingtau«

The exhibition shows Chinese silversmith’s work from the late Qing dynasty from the estate of the railroad engineer Heinrich Hildebrand (1855–1925). Hildebrand was sent to China in 1891 as an imperial construction councillor and oversaw the construction of the railroad network in Shandong province.

Further info: https://museum-fuer-ostasiatische-kunst.de/Silber-fuer-Tsingtau

3 May 2023 – 26 Nov 2023 | Duisburg | Japan

Exhibition »Watanabe Sadao. Bibliotheksausstellung«

The Japanese graphic artist became known for his Bible prints in the style of the Mingei tradition, a movement that aimed to revive the historical craftsmanship and technical knowledge of traditional Japanese arts and crafts.

Further info: http://www.museum-dkm.de/watanabe-sadao-schenkung-ruth-hetcamp/

21 Apr 2023 – 31 Jul 2023 | Köln | Japan

Photo Exhibition »Spectres«

The German-Japanese dialog exhibition shows photographs by Thomas Bergner and Nakazato Katsuhito. Both photographers are fascinated by the magic of the night. The exhibition is about exploring the opposing principles of nature and civilization.

Further info: https://co.jpf.go.jp/veranstaltungen/kalender/spectres/

While we strive to include as many cultural events related to East Asia that take place in the Rhine Ruhr area as possible, this page does not claim to be exhaustive. If you know of an event that fits the criteria of this page but is not yet included in our overview, please feel free to reach out to us at window2asia@area-ruhr.de.