情節: 自小由祖母養大的馬那衛(鍾家駿 飾),盼望長期在台灣工作的爸爸有天能回到蘭嶼,陪伴他的成長。學校里新來的年輕老師遊仲勳(黃尚禾 飾),一心想爭取記功嘉獎、早日調回台灣。學校報名參加了在高雄舉辦的全國原住民舞蹈大賽,仲勳自告奮勇擔任指導老師,而馬那衛也想趁機到台灣看爸爸,大家都為了夢想奮力一戰。在集訓過程中,仲勳卻發現,孩子們對代表達悟文化的丁字褲顯然排斥,不願穿著它上台表演。為了讓孩子們能順利登台演出,仲勳嘗試去理解、鼓勵他們,從文化中找回驕傲與勇氣。當他們終於踏上台灣的土地,仲勳和馬那衛心中堅守的夢想,也因為這些日子的努力漸漸有了轉變.
Plot: Raised by his grandma, Ma Na Wei has lived a frugal life on Lanyu (Orchid Island). At the Tao tribe community’s elementary school, a newly qualified teacher, Yu Zhongxun, sees the tiny island as a backward and boring place. He desperately wants to get back to his former colorful metropolitan life. Yu saw an opportunity to get a decent performance evaluation by having the students participate in the annual Aboriginal Dance Competition. As the students and teachers work to prepare for the competition, they explore their potentials and reclaim their lost pride and courage.