Yasmin Koppen

Dissertation project

“East Asian Landscapes and Legitimation: Localizing Political and Religious Authority in China and Adjoining Empires”

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christine Moll-Murata, Prof. Dr. Flemming Christiansen

Research focus

  • Architecture, Spatial Meaning and Ideology
  • Water Culture in East Asia
  • Religious history of post-Song dynastic China
  • Religious history of premodern Vietnam

Personal profile

Academic career

2022–presentPostdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Religious Studies at Leipzig Univesity
2014–2018Member of research staff at the Asian-Orient-Institute for Sinology and Korean Studies at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, Assistant to Jun.-Prof. HUANG Fei; One-month fieldwork regarding water temples in Sichuan, China
2012–2014Research Assistant in Cultural Management at the LWL-Museum of Archaeology Herne. Westfalian State Museum
2009–2012Student Research Assistant for the discussion section of the courses “Introduction into Religious Studies” and “Basic Concepts of Religious Studies”, Chair of Religious Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum


2012M.A. in Chinese Philosophy and History and Religious Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum
2011Two months fieldwork in preparation for the master thesis in Luoyang, China
2010B.A. in Sinology and Religious Studies, Ruhr-University Bochum


2017“Vietnam: Der lange Marsch der Neo-Konfuzianer” [‚Vietnam: The Long March of the Neo-Confucians‘], Mittagsforum. Faculty of East Asian Studies. Ruhr-University Bochum. 15.11.2017
“Bücher statt Charisma. Über Religion und Macht im alten Vietnam.” [‚Books in Place of Charisma. About Religion and Power in Ancient Vietnam ‘] Vietnam Entdecken. SMAC State Museum of Archaeology Chemnitz. 10.04.2017
“Methodik der Architekturanalyse” [‚Methodology of Architecture Analysis‘]. Methodenworkshop. Arbeitskreis Mittelbau und Nachwuchs (AKMN) der Deutschen Vereinigung für Religionswissenschaft (DVRW). 30.–31.03.2017
2016“Religionen und die Staatsordnung im alten Vietnam” [‚Religions and State System in Ancient Vietnam‘]. LWL-Museum of Archaeology Herne. Westfalian State Museum. 15.12.2016
2015“How the Sociology of Spaces Can Help to Show Social Change in Chinese Temples” 空間社會學如何有助於展示中國寺院的社會變革. More Bonds Than Boundaries: The Diverse Roles and Functions of East Asian Temples and Shrines. Shanghai, China. 03.–05.08.2015. Funded by the DAAD Kongress- und Vortragsreisenprogramm
“Buddhism and Violence” (Introduction to Buddhism), “The Methodology of the Sociology of Spaces and Chinese Temple Reconstruction” (Research Methodolgy) ERASMUS STAFF TEACHING ASSIGNMENT (STA). Ghent University, Belgium. 16.–19.03.2015
2013“Multilocality in China and Vietnam: Decoration and Incorporation” Deutscher Orientalistentag 2013. Münster. 23.–27.09.2013
“The Invasion is Over! Self-Reassessment Through Historical Adjustment” Käthe Hamburger Kolleg Summer School 2013 (Scholarship). Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 03.–10.07.2013


2017–2020Doctoral scholarship at the Alliance for Research on East Asia (AREA) Ruhr granted by Mercator Research Center Ruhr (MERCUR)