The Japanese YMCA in Soul, 1908-1945:

As part of my dissertation, this project focuses on the Japanese YMCA in
Sôul from its establishment in 1908 until its forced shut-down in 1945.
This introduction is meant to present a glimpse into its establishment,
development, and aims through showcasing primary sources: As an
outstretch of the Japanese YMCA into colonial Korea, this YMCA makes for
a fascinating study in regards to the relation between the government
and a Christian youth organization, as well as its relation to the
branch of the YMCA in Korea.
Especially during later times of the colonial era in Korea, many
Japanese Christians were divided into supporters and critics of the
imperial enterprise of Japan, it will be interesting to see where this
YMCA integrates and in what way it might have been influenced by the
colonial environment.

Am 09. Dezember, 12 bis 13 Uhr (s.t.)



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